Review Article | Open Access

Lifecycle, Hosts and Importance of Some of the Major Cotton Insect Pests in South Africa: A Review

    Lawrence Nkosikhona Malinga

    South African Sugarcane Research Institute, South Africa

    Mark Laing

    University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

13 May, 2024
01 Jul, 2024
31 Dec, 2024

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is an essential fibre crop cultivated worldwide for centuries. The crop is a cash crop that is grown as raw material for textile industries in over 80 countries with tropical and subtropical climatic conditions. In Sub-Saharan Africa, cotton is a key export crop for global cotton lint exports. In South Africa, cotton is mostly grown by smallholder farmers in five provinces. However, several factors affect production, including low yields, high input costs and pest and weed infestations. The incidence of pests is a significant influence that affects cotton production, resulting in low yields and poor quality. The importance of cotton insect pests lies in their ability to cause significant economic losses by damaging cotton crops. Some are serious pests that require control measures such as synthetic pesticides to warrant a viable yield. A successful control strategy requires integrated pest management that prevents or suppresses damaging populations of insect pests by applying the comprehensive and coordinated integration of multiple and compatible control tactics, including chemical, cultural and biological methodologies. The lifecycles of insect pests can vary depending on factors such as environmental conditions, host availability and pest species. Understanding these lifecycles is crucial for implementing effective pest management strategies at different stages of development to minimize their impact on cotton crops. This paper seeks to review and examine the lifecycle, hosts and importance of Helicoverpa armigera, Aphis gossypii, Bemisia tabaci, Thrips tabaci, Jacobiella facialis, Tetranychus urticae and Dysdercus species as major key insect pests in cotton production.

Copyright © 2024 Malinga and Laing. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 


Although insects are the largest animal group and have a significant role in the ecosystem, some can be serious crop pests, including cotton1. The incidence of pests in cotton significantly affects production, resulting in low yields and poor quality2. Sub Saharan Africa has climate conditions suitable for various pests, which attack cotton and result in yield losses3. Tay et al.4 reported that an average of 30% of seed cotton is lost due to pests. Some insects are casual or random pests, but others may be economically important to cotton as they cause damage and reduce the yield. Insect pests such as the African bollworms5, aphids6, thrips7, whiteflies8 and leafhoppers9 are serious crop pests in South Africa. Pesticides are commonly used to control these pests; however, controlling one species can have an impact on the occurrence and population of other species.

All insects undergo their unique life cycles through complete or incomplete metamorphosis. A complete metamorphosis consists of four developmental stages, namely egg, larva, pupa and adult. While complete metamorphosis involves a pupal stage10, insects undergo incomplete metamorphosis from nymphs to adults without the pupal stage11. Some insects have larvae and adults that are different in appearance from each other12 and often live in various habitats. Because an insect’s host, behaviour and development can all drastically alter throughout its life cycle, depending on the type of life cycle, insect life cycles are essential for managing pests. Therefore, this review describes the key insect pest of cotton in South Africa.

Pest lifecycle, host and damage
African bollworm: The African bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), is the most significant pest of agriculture commonly found in Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe13 and recently in South America14. In Africa, the pest is regarded as an indigenous species contributing to the reduction of crop production15. It is the only heliothine species of major economic importance16. In East Africa, H. armigera attacks various crops, including cotton, legumes, maize, sorghum, sunflower, tobacco and tomato17. In South Africa, cotton is one of the main crops attacked by the pest. It has been regarded as a serious pest due to feeding on a wide range of host crops4, high fecundity18, multivoltine life cycle19, great potential mobility20, damage to fruiting parts21 and its resistance to chemical insecticides22. van Hamburg and Guest23 listed 35 host crops of H. armigera plus 25 wild host plants in eastern and Southern Africa, while Krinski and Godoy24 documented over 67 host families worldwide.

The H. armigera developmental cycle goes through four stages: Egg, larval, pupa and adult25. There can be up to five generations of bollworm per year5 and each generation can take about four to six weeks26. The H. armigera females prefer laying eggs on host flowers, squares and fruit27 during winter or spring13. The eggs are laid over two to three days and oviposition may last up to eight days13. In South Africa, it can take up to 23 days for oviposition to occur5. Eggs are cream to white, changing to brown before hatching5 and up to 0.6 mm in diameter13. A single female may lay up to 1500 eggs27. In South Africa, a single female moth can lay an average of 730 eggs5. Larval colour and size vary depending on the larval instar. The larvae range in colour from yellow to brown with a cylinder-shaped body and longitudinal stripes occur on the dorsal side28. At the later stage, the larvae have white or yellow lines and white spiracles with black rims29.

Pupae are round at both ends with a brown colour and are about 14-18 mm long 5. The pupal stage occurs in the soil25 at a depth of 3-15 cm13. When the pest feeds on cotton, the pupal viability increases and the pupal stage lasts about 15 days27. The moth is usually brown30, with a broad thorax and seven to eight blackish spots on the forewings31. The hind wings have apical ends with a broad dark-brown border and yellow margins32. Helicoverpa armigera is a nocturnal pest33 that can travel long distances due to a separation of feeding and oviposition by unfavourable habitats13. Long-range movement can also be attributed to migration, which may have implications for managing pests in the various agricultural landscapes34. Daguang et al.35 reported that most moths were distributed within a 720 m range when released in the field.

Helicoverpa armigera damage differs by crop and because of the migratory behaviour, the occurrence of this pest is frequently unpredictable36. The pest causes damage of more than US$2 billion to crops every year and this excludes the environmental costs that are related to its control5. The damage caused by H. armigera depends, to some extent, on the adult population numbers, the number of eggs laid and the survival rate of larvae37. Young larvae tend to feed on younger leaves, while the older ones feed on different parts of the plants, preferably the buds, flowers, fruits and pods38. Although there may be low numbers in the field, the damage may significantly increase because the larvae tend to feed partly on one cotton ball and then move to another 5. The damaged bolls ultimately drop off the plant39. When left untreated, H. armigera can cause up to 90% of boll damage in cotton. In Brazil, the pest was reported to reduce cotton yields by up to 80%4. In 2014, de Freitas Bueno and Sosa-Gómez40 reported that Brazil had crop loss estimated at US$ 0.8 billion due to the pest’s damage.

Cotton aphid: The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera, Aphididae), is an important agricultural pest due to its wide host range41. Ma et al.42 reported that the pest has over 900 hosts from 116 plant families. Although A. gossypii can significantly damage the crop through direct feeding, its main threat is the ability to transmit many plant viruses43. Aphis gossypii populations are primarily high on cotton from mid to late season44. Before genetically modified cotton was introduced, pesticides sprayed against Helicoverpa species-controlled aphids; however, the aphid populations increased thereafter, resulting in resistance to pesticide control45.

Aphis gossypii is a tiny, soft-bodied insect with a pear-like shape and a pair of black cornicles46. They are 1 to 2 mm long with relatively long antennae and legs47. Aphids can be distinguished from other pests like mites through slower movement when disturbed48. Body colour varies depending on the host plant and the biological state of the individual aphid49. The nymphs vary in colour from yellow to green, black or brownish50. They often have a dark head and thorax with a dark green abdomen51. The first instar has four antennal segments, while the second has five52. The third instar can be differentiated from the fourth instar by the absence of setae on the genital plate46. The fourth-instar nymphs have developed wings, while adults are primarily wingless53. Small yellow or white aphids are observed during unfavourable environmental periods and do not reproduce until conditions are favourable54. During favourable conditions, larger green forms are produced55. The aphids generally require at least two hosts and the primary host is for sexual reproduction, while the secondary host is for asexual reproduction56. Females produce offspring that takes about a week to develop and moult four times to become reproductive adults57. The reproductive period covers 20 days and the female can produce up to 80 offspring58.

Aphids can cause severe loss in cotton production59. They cause damage to the undersurface of the leaves and the stems by using sharp mouthparts and sucking the sap from the tissues60. The leaves may produce insufficient chlorophyll, initiate curling and die prematurely61. Genetically modified cotton has been reported to not affect preference and colonization by aphids62. Besides the physical damage to the host, aphids have been widely reported to transmit various virus diseases63. Moreover, aphids produce a sugary substance called honeydew that causes stickiness64, interfering with the plant’s photosynthesis47. When aphids feed on cotton plants, the honeydew drops onto the bolls, resulting in a sticky deposit on the fibre65. Stickiness reduces the lint quality and results in substantial price penalties for the grower66. It is a severe challenge during cotton ginning since it causes the lint to stick to machinery67. Honeydew also exposes the leaves to sunburn, which results in secondary infections that inhibit the plant’s functions68.

Whitefly: Whiteflies, Bemisia tabaci, Gennadius (Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae) are one of the most important agricultural and horticulture pests worldwide69. Whiteflies are regulated quarantine species in Australia, Africa, China, the EU and the USA70. Currently, 39 species differ in their host-plant range71 and they have more than 600 host-plant species72. This species reportedly transmits over 100 plant viruses73.

Whiteflies undergo six developmental stages: Egg, four larval instars and adults74. The average developmental stage in cotton takes approximately 17 to 29 days to complete. Perring et al.69 reported that at a lower temperature of 15°C, the complete development could take up to 105 days compared to 14 days at 30°C. The eggs are approximately 0.2 mm long and elongated with a pale brown colour75. They are laid singly or in group circles on the undersides of the leaf surface69. Each female can lay between 60 and 300 eggs76, which takes about five to nine days to hatch, depending on the host species and humidity77. Of the four larval stages, the first and second larval instars are up to 0.6 mm long and the first larval instar is the only mobile larval stage74. The fourth instar, known as the pupa, is 0.7 mm long, oval and lasts about six days78.

The adult emerges from the pupal case and expands its wings before powdering itself with wax from glands on the abdomen79. Adults are about 1 to 2 mm long with wings covered in white powder wax80. Their body is white to slightly yellowish with seven segmented antennae and one sensorial cone on the third, sixth and seventh segments81,82. The wings are kept above the body in a tent-like position83 and up to 15 generations can occur annually77. Onstad84 stated that mating occurs several times from 12 hrs after emergence and the female may live up to 60 days while the male lives for a shorter period. Whitefly nymphs and adults can be easily identified in the crop83.

Whiteflies can cause damage through phloem-feeding, excretion of honeydew and transmitting viruses such as cotton leaf curl virus85. Whiteflies suck phloem-sap and cause damage to a wide range of crops, including cassava86, cotton87 and tomato88. With their piercing-sucking mouthparts, they insert their stylets into the plant to feed on the phloem89. While feeding on the plant, immature and adult stages excrete honeydew onto the leaf surface and fruit83, causing discolouration of leaves and fruit deformations90. Whiteflies have developed resistance due to the overuse of insecticides91.

Thrips: Thrips, Thrips tabaci, Lindeman (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) is a serious early-season pest of seedling cotton92 and vegetable crops93 throughout the world. They are commonly one of the first insects found on cotton94. Hull95 reported that thrips feed on a wide host range, including 140 species from over 40 families of plants, while Varela and Fail96 and Cook et al.97 reported that there are several hundred host plants. Thrips may be found on weeds and flowers growing near cotton and migrating onto cotton plants92.

The life cycle of thrips has six stages: Egg, two larval stages, two pronymph stages and an adult stage81. The life cycle can take between 10 and over 30 days to complete, depending on the climate and the host plant98. Reproduction is both asexual and sexual99, producing both males and females from unfertilized eggs100 and females from fertilized eggs99. The eggs are small, shiny white101, 0.2 mm long and 0.08 mm wide102. They are laid individually inside the leaf tissues99. A female can lay up to 100 eggs, which take up to six days to hatch103. The first instar is semi-transparent and white, while the second instar is yellow93. The larvae undergo two instar stages, which last up to 10 days104. The pupae do not feed105 and the pupal stage takes about four days to complete81. Adult females are about 1.2 mm long, while males are smaller than 0.7 mm long93. The body colour varies from yellow to brown depending on temperature106. Adults are very active with fringed and pale wings107. The antennae have seven segments and the eyes are grey108. Adults live up to 35 days92 and several generations can develop annually109.

The host plant, temperature and humidity play a role in the development of thrips110. Adults may hibernate in field crops106 and overwinter in the soil111. Adults can fly long distances from immediate plant hosts112 and flight occurs during daylight at low wind speeds113. Thrips found in nearby weeds migrate onto cotton plants114 and adults are attracted to white, blue and yellow colours115. It is sometimes impossible to control thrips with pesticides since the eggs are laid under leaf tissues116, the pupae are found in the soil or between the leaves109 and some adults may avoid control by hiding in the inner leaf spaces104.

During the seedling stage, cotton growth is slow, resulting in an attack by early-season insect pests such as thrips117. When feeding, thrips move from the lower to the upper parts of the cotton plant as the plants increase in size118. The feeding preference may be due to the pest trying to access younger leaves with thinner epidermis on the lower surface119. Thrips feed on leaves, young leaves and flower buds120, causing the silvering of leaves due to the loss of chlorophyll93. The silvery appearance occurs after the fluids in the cell are replaced by air97. Both adults and larvae feed on plant epidermal cells’ contents, causing damage that results in 30-50% of lint yield97. Damaged cells wrinkle and the leaves do not develop well, causing them to twist97. The damage caused by thrips can also allow secondary infection by plant pathogens121. Attique and Ahmad122 reported that thrips and cotton leafhoppers cause almost 40% loss in seed cotton yield. Scouting for thrips is difficult; a lens may be required104 and the population level can be determined by observing leaf damage121. Wardle and Simpson123 reported no evidence of toxicity from the thrips salivary secretion. Thrips are also reported to be vectors of plant viruses124. Hull95 stated that 17 species are reported to transmit viruses from four plant virus groups, most feeding on the plant’s vegetative parts and pollen.

Leafhopper: Leafhoppers, Jacobiella facialis Jacobi (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), commonly known as jassids, are one of the major cotton pests in Africa125. The pest has a synonym called Empoasca facialis and it was described in Dutch East Africa in 1912. Leafhoppers are commonly found in the tropics and subtropics126. Numerous species of leafhoppers are found on cotton127 and can feed throughout the crop cycle despite pesticide application125.

Leafhoppers reproduce sexually and the egg hatches to a nymph126. The nymphs look like adults but are smaller with a pale yellow-green colour75. Leafhoppers undergo five nymphal instars75 and they are multivoltine with several generations every year128. Eggs are laid on the underside of leaves and they can hatch in about ten days129. They are elongated and range from 0.8 to 10 mm130. Leafhopper species are almost similar in shape but vary in colour from green to yellowish-brown131. They overwinter as egg, adult, or immature forms and pass through several moults before becoming an adults132. Leafhoppers are generally found low in the canopy129 and when disturbed, they hop fast75. The nymphs and adults may feed on the aerial parts of the same plant133 and the attack occurs throughout the crop production cycle134. Both the nymphs and the adult suck the sap from the xylem and phloem tissues of the plant and young leaves from the lower surfaces135. The damage caused by the leafhoppers is called “hopper burn” because of the brownish appearance of plants and it is a non-contagious disease136. Hopper burn causes the edges of the leaves to curl downwards and change to yellow and then red before drying out and falling off the stem137.

Premature reddening has been reported to be a characteristic reaction of the plant rather than the attack127. Hopper burn occurs when there is an interaction between insect-feeding stimuli and plant responses138. Heavy infestations can damage the canopy and impair cotton growth, causing a 40 to 100% reduction in the number of bolls139. Prolonged feeding also results in the shedding of leaves, squares and young bolls, leading to significant yield losses140. The pest damage levels vary under different climatic conditions and lower rainfall significantly increases the pest population141.

Spider mite: Spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Trombidiformes: Tetranychidae), are important cotton pests142. There are many controversial reports on the taxonomic placement of the two-spotted spider mite, with about 65 synonyms included under this species143. While numerous spider mite species attack cotton worldwide144, the two-spotted mite is one of the most common and important species145. This species is an early-season pest that causes significant yield losses in cotton146. The growth stages of spider mites differ from one species to another147. However, their life cycle is short, with high fecundity and haploid-diploid sexes148. Depending on temperature, spider mite development occurs in five to twenty

days and may have overlapping generations every year149. The optimal reproduction usually occurs in seven days at a temperature above 30°C150. Gunning and Easton151 reported average development periods of 27 days at 16°C, six days at 29°C for females and a slightly shorter time for males. The complete life cycle consists of the egg, larva, two nymphal or pupal stages and the adult73. Females lay male eggs during asexual reproduction and in sexual reproduction, both female and male eggs are laid152. Female spider mites can lay over 100 eggs over 12 days142 and under optimal conditions, several hundred eggs are laid by each female147. The eggs are oval, shiny, colourless, 0.08 mm long and 0.13 mm in diameter142.

The eggs are attached to a silk web153 and their presence can be used to confirm when the plant damage is due to spider mites154. The eggs hatch in three days into larvae that are 0.1 mm long147 with a pale green colour and three pairs of legs149. The larval stages are mainly dormant and only become active after the moulting to the nymphal stage155. The larvae move slowly and develop into the nymphal stage within three days156. The two nymphs are known as protonymph and deutonymph and they have darker markings and eight legs157. Initially, the nymph is pale yellow-green and later turns darker green142. Adult females are 0.2-0.6 mm long, elongated with long hairs on the dorsal side of the body and translucent pale greenish-yellow to brown158. Adult females live for about two to four weeks159, while males can live up to nine days 149. The overwintering females are orange to orange-red160.

Spider mites feed on the undersurface of the leaves161, where they remove the sap73. Spider mites are mesophyll feeders because they pierce the leaf epidermis and feed mostly on mesophyll cells, affecting photosynthesis in the leaves of host plants162. The damaged leaves become grey or yellow and damage to the open flower results in brown colour and withering of the petals163. Complete defoliation may occur when the pest is not controlled at higher population densities164. Crop development is reduced in cotton by high infestation during the early developmental stage161. The spider mites also transmit several viruses, including potato virus Y, tobacco mosaic virus and tobacco ringspot virus163.

Cotton stainer: Cotton stainers, Dysdercus species (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae), are serious cotton pests165. The Pyrrhocoridae is a small family comprising 33 genera and approximately 360 species worldwide166. Eleven pest species are found in Africa167, with four species occurring in South Africa. The Davus fasciatus, Danio nigrofasciatus and Dipturus intermedius are important in Africa cotton168. Cotton stainers have a wide range of alternative hosts, including wild plants and various hibiscus species169.

The cotton stainers have several generations a year and the complete life cycle may take one to three months, depending on temperature170. Over 100 small pale eggs are laid and incubation can take up to two weeks170. The female lays eggs in the soil or plant debris171. The emerging nymphs are initially red and after five moults, they have the same colours as adults but lack wings172. The last stages of nymphs and adults have long mouthparts used when feeding on the cotton seeds inside the bolls, while younger nymphs only feed on slightly opened bolls173. Nymphs and adults are usually found in larger groups165. The cotton stainers resemble assassin bugs; however, adult females are bigger than males170. Adults are up to 2 cm long168 with colours that vary from a red to an orange body and black stripe on the wings172. Adults are active during the daytime and can travel long distances170.

Both adults and nymphs suck the sap from the seeds with piercing mouth parts causing physical damage and shedding of young bolls167. While feeding on cotton, the pest also damages the fibres and affects the development of the bolls174. The feeding on developing and mature cotton seeds negatively affects the quality of the seed and oil content175. Cotton stainers attack cotton throughout the fruiting stage and transmit a fungus disease known as boll disease, resulting in hard bolls and stained lint172. Adults are found on cotton as early as when the first bolls open and can remain inside the boll until harvesting170.


Insect pests cause severe losses in cotton production in South Africa. A successful control strategy requires integrated pest management that prevents or suppresses damaging populations of insect pests by applying the comprehensive and coordinated integration of multiple and compatible control tactics. Understanding the biology and damage caused by these significant cotton insect pests is crucial to minimize their impact on cotton production. This paper provides an overview of the lifecycle, hosts and importance of Helicoverpa armigera, Aphis gossypii, Bemisia tabaci, Thrips tabaci, Jacobiella facialis, Tetranychus urticae and Dysdercus species as major key insect pests in cotton production. In conclusion, the future of understanding and managing cotton insect pests lies in integrating advanced scientific research with practical, sustainable agricultural practices.


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How to Cite this paper?

APA-7 Style
Malinga, L.N., Laing, M. (2024). Lifecycle, Hosts and Importance of Some of the Major Cotton Insect Pests in South Africa: A Review. Asian J. Biol. Sci, 17(4), 624-639.

ACS Style
Malinga, L.N.; Laing, M. Lifecycle, Hosts and Importance of Some of the Major Cotton Insect Pests in South Africa: A Review. Asian J. Biol. Sci 2024, 17, 624-639.

AMA Style
Malinga LN, Laing M. Lifecycle, Hosts and Importance of Some of the Major Cotton Insect Pests in South Africa: A Review. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences. 2024; 17(4): 624-639.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Malinga, Lawrence, Nkosikhona, and Mark Laing. 2024. "Lifecycle, Hosts and Importance of Some of the Major Cotton Insect Pests in South Africa: A Review" Asian Journal of Biological Sciences 17, no. 4: 624-639.